Our people are at the heart of our business and the success of Kier depends upon our ability to attract and retain a dedicated workforce.
As a business, we are committed to shaping a safe, collaborative and high-performing culture where our people feel they can belong, contribute and thrive.
Through this:
we will build a workforce that has the skills and capabilities for the future; and
we will work to ensure fair and equal treatment for our entire workforce and value chain.
Progress in FY24
employee engagement achieved in FY24 compared to 65% in FY23.
During the year we realigned the HR and Group Safety, Health, Environment and Assurance (‘SHEA’) functions to establish an improved connection between our employees and our Responsible Business goals. We are targeting to increase alignment over time and to improve employee wellbeing and engagement.
The changes mean we can incorporate health, safety, wellbeing and sustainability into our broader people strategy. The aim is to make Kier a safe, sustainable and attractive place to work. We have also refined our meaning of health, safety and wellbeing to reflect our continuously changing business.
Our people's health
We foster a positive working environment, promoting physical, mental and social health. As part of this approach we are proactively engaging with our people to lower levels of stress and anxiety, cultivating employee satisfaction and engagement in a thriving workplace.
Our people's safety
Safety at Kier is our licence to operate. A key priority for the
business is to ensure each and every person on our projects, in
our offices and members of the public we interact with go home
safe every day.
Our people's wellbeing
We support our people so they feel well, happy, and positive at work,
building relationships, learning new skills and enhancing life
experiences. We understand how important it is for people to have a positive, healthy state – physically, emotionally, and economically.
In FY24 we had
apprentices in our workforce
In FY24 we had
of employees in formal learning and
development programmes
Engagement surveys
We carry out regular engagement surveys with our people. This enables us to understand what areas of focus are required to improve our people’s engagement and workplace wellbeing.