Board and Committees
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- Board and Committees
The duties of, and those decisions which can be made by, the Board are clearly defined in the schedule of matters reserved for the Board.
The Board has delegated certain responsibilities to its committees. Further information on each committee, including their terms of reference is available using the links below:
The purpose of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee is to assist the Board of Directors of the Company to oversee the strategy for ESG matters, including the implementation of that strategy by management, to review the Group’s exposure to ESG risk and to monitor performance against ESG targets.
Environmental, Social and Governance Committee terms of reference
The members of the Committee are:
- Alison Atkinson – Chair
- Chris Browne OBE
- Margaret Hassall
- Mohammed Saddiq
- Clive Watson
The principal purpose of the Nomination Committee (the ‘Committee’) is to lead the process for the appointment of new Directors to the Board (whether executive or non-executive), ensuring that the Board has an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge. In particular, the Committee is responsible for Board succession in order to ensure that the composition of the Board is appropriate to manage future growth.
Nomination Committee terms of reference
The members of the Committee are:
- Matthew Lester – Chair
- Alison Atkinson
- Chris Browne OBE
- Andrew Davies
- Margaret Hassall
- Mohammed Saddiq
- Clive Watson
The Risk Management and Audit Committee (the ‘Committee’) supports the Board in maintaining sound risk management and internal control procedures. The Committee’s responsibility is to ensure that appropriate corporate reporting, risk management and internal control systems are applied throughout the Group.
The Committee follows a defined programme of work and review to coincide with key events in the reporting year. The Committee reports formally and regularly to the Board on its work.
Risk Management and Audit Committee terms of reference
The members of the Committee are:
- Clive Watson – Chair
- Alison Atkinson
- Chris Browne OBE
- Margaret Hassall
- Mohammed Saddiq
The Remuneration Committee supports the Board in setting the Company’s policy on remuneration.
Remuneration Committee terms of reference
The members of the Committee are:
- Margaret Hassall - Chair
- Alison Atkinson
- Chris Browne OBE
- Matthew Lester
- Mohammed Saddiq
- Clive Watson